Weekly Log #11

Plop !

It’s been a busy week for me. My dad’s health isn’t getting any better so I had to help my parents move out to a new place where he’s less at risk of falling.

Still, I was able to make progress on other fronts : the UI for the Gather and Train menus are a lot clearer and give more information. Here’s how they look now : 

I also made sure all new locations in 0.2 have dialogues for their NPC. These new locations are : 

  • Idyllshire
  • Moghome 
  • The Forgotten Knight (Ishgard’s inn)
  • The Hard place (Idyllshire’s inn)

The lack of inns aside from the Rising Stones was one of the criticisms the 0.1 received. As a side note, I also changed the way the fatigue system worked based on feedback. Previously, you started with a 100% exp rate that lowered with each all-nighter.

Now with 0.2, you’ll start with a base 125% exp rate, which will get 5% lower each night down to 100%. So no matter what, that’ll never go lower than 100% though. I think having the system that rewards you when you rest at an inn, instead of punishing you for not resting, should work better and be more in line with the kind of game I want to make.

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